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What is the key to maintaining a healthy weight?

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Maintaining a healthy weight requires regular exercise and good eating habits. The key to working these into our lives is by making small changes that gradually become part of our routine.

After orthopedic surgery, your range of motion and ability to weight bare will be limited. It is important that you follow your orthopedic surgeon’s instructions during this critical period.

Following your doctor’s instructions is extremely important to ensure you get the maximum benefits of orthopedic surgery and external fixation. Eventually you should be able to add exercise to your routine. To maintain a healthy weight, follow these simple tips:

Exercise regularly

60 minutes or more of physical activity a day is recommended to maintain a healthy weight. There is no need to do complicated exercises or overthink it; the goal is just to keep your body moving. Practicing flexibility, strength and light cardio should be more than enough.

60 minutes out of your busy day may seem like a lot, but think about it in simple terms: try getting up 15 minutes earlier to do some yoga or other stretching activities. Walk to school or jog for 15 minutes at lunch. Do the same thing after school, or walk or cycle home. Add in taking the stairs, fitness classes, walking between classes during the day, and you’ve probably reached your 60 minute target to maintaining a healthy weight without really stepping out of your routine.

Here are some tips to get 60 minutes of exercise a day:

  1. Start now. Walk to school instead of driving or taking the bus.
  2. Take the stairs instead of the lift/elevator or escalators.
  3. Walk or cycle to places like school or your friends’ houses instead of driving or taking public transportation.
  4. If you drive, park farther away than you need to and walk the extra distance.
  5. Everyday chores can be an exercise opportunity!
  6. Limit your online social networks & digital activities. By cutting this time down you will find more time to exercise.
  7. Dance. Even in the privacy of your room, you will burn more than 300 calories in an hour dancing!
  8. Find an exercise you like. Take it slow if you’ve never done it before. And if you’re nervous, find an exercise buddy to join you. It’s easier to stay motivated about exercise if you do something you’re interested in with a friend.
  9. Mix up the activities you do, so they will never bore you. Create a list of sports you have always wanted to try and work your way through them with a friend.
  10. Include some activities that get your heart beating faster, quicken your breathing and make you sweat.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring and you don’t have to be on a strict diet to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Diets aren’t sustainable, but eating good food in moderation as part of a healthy lifestyle is. The best way to maintain healthy weight (or lose weight when needed) is to make healthy food choices daily and incorporate them as part of a long-term routine.

Here are some tips for daily healthy eating:

  1. Drink water instead of sugary drinks like fruit juices, energy drinks, and soft drinks.
  2. Fruit and vegetables are a must! Make sure you eat at least five servingsof fruit and vegetables a day, possibly of 5 different colors. This will fill you up and you’ll get the nutrients you need to keep your body satisfied and healthy.
  3. Choose food from all the different food groups – fruit and vegetables, grains, including whole grains, protein and dairy. In addition to getting your fruit and veggies, include whole grains and lean protein at each meal.
  4. Avoid fast-food places whenever you can. Treats are allowed every now and then, but if you are going to fast-foods more regularly, pick a small serving and a salad instead of fries.
  5. Keep healthy food at hand. By carrying around fruit and nuts as snacks you are more likely to avoid things like crisps/chips and chocolate.
  6. Avoid processed food by taking your own homemade food with you to school.
  7. Eat when you’re hungry but don’t fall into the trap of eating when you’re bored.
  8. Have a healthy breakfastevery morning. It is the most important meal of the day.
  9. Manage portion sizes: if a portion is too large, cut it in half and put half aside for later.